SAP S/4HANA - Asset Management (PM/EAM)
SAP Learning Hub Mentoring (75 horas)
Nesta mentoria o aluno aprende como implementar e personalizar recursos do SAP S/4HANA Asset Management (válida para SAP S/4HANA on-premise e SAP S/4HANA Cloud, edições extended e private). Prepara o aluno para o exame de certificação (C_S43).

S43000 - Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA Asset Management
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022
ID do Curso S43000_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Solutions and Deployment
Organizational Units
Technical Objects
Modeling Maintenance Processes
Corrective Maintenance - Standard Process
Emergency Maintenance - Simplified Process
Preventive Maintenance
Mobile Maintenance
Course Goals
Describe the essential business processes in SAP S/4HANA Asset Management
Describe the integration with other functional areas in SAP S/4HANA
S43100 - Managing Technical Objects in SAP S/4HANA
Software: SAP S/4HANA OP 2022
ID do Curso S43100_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Structure and create functional locations
Linear Asset Management
Bills of Material
Serial Numbers
Measuring Points and Counters
Course Goals
Design Technical Object structures
Customize the settings for Technical Objects
Simplify the management of Technical Objects by using SAP Fiori Apps
S43200 - Preventive Maintenance in SAP S/4HANA
Software: SAP S/4HANA OP 2022
ID do Curso S43200_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Managing Task Lists
Single-Cycle Maintenance Plans
Strategy Maintenance Plans (time-based)
Regular Service Procurement
Strategy Maintenance Plans (performance-based)
Multiple Counter Plans
Customizing Maintenance Plans
Course Goals
Configure asset accounting
Manage asset master data
Perform day-to-day asset transactions
Perform periodic asset transactions
Manual legacy data transfer for assets
S43300 - Customizing in SAP S/4HANA Asset Management
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022
ID do Curso S43300_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
UI Configuration
Organizational Units
Maintenance Notifications
Maintenance Order
Order Costing and Settlement
Course Goals
Make all relevant customizing settings (IMG) for maintenance processing with a special focus on defining new notification types and new order types
Manage the process and parameters for order costing and order settlement
S43400 - Exploring Advanced Functions in Maintenance Processing
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022
ID do Curso S43400_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Phase-based Maintenance - Process
Phase-based Maintenance - Customizing
Refurbishment of Spare Parts - Internal and External
Refurbishment of Spare Parts – Customizing
Inspection Checklists - Process
Inspection Checklists - Customizing
Course Goals
Use and implement Phase-based Maintenance
Use and implement Inspection Checklists
Use and implement Refurbishment of Spare Parts
S43410 - Refurbishment of Spare Parts
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2023
ID do Curso S43410_EN_Col26 (E-book)
Course Content
Phase-based Maintenance - Process
Phase-based Maintenance - Customizing
Refurbishment of Spare Parts - Internal and External
Refurbishment of Spare Parts – Customizing
Inspection Checklists - Process
Inspection Checklists - Customizing
Course Goals
Use and implement Phase-based Maintenance
Use and implement Inspection Checklists
Use and implement Refurbishment of Spare Parts
Sobre a Mentoria*
Modalidade Jornada de Aprendizagem VLC (Virtual Live Classroom) com instrutor-orientador ao vivo via Internet;
Release do software: SAP S/4HANA 2022 - SAP S/4HANA OP 2022 - SAP S/4HANA 2023;
Carga Horária: 75 h/a;
Período: noturno 18h às 23h;
Duração: 15 noites em 03 semanas;
Investimento: sob consulta.
(*) Para participar da mentoria o aluno deve possuir a assinatura do SAP Learning Hub.
Importante: As mentorias SAP da Ka Solution são aplicadas com base na plataforma por assinatura anual SAP Learning Hub (inclui partner edition) e/ou na plataforma SAP Learning (free), que trazem jornadas de aprendizagem para que o aluno possa ser conduzido na evolução de conhecimentos, conceitos, práticas, atividades hands on e orientação para autoestudo.
participe da série workshops educação sap para transformação digital (dx)
conheça e/4hana learning assessment for SAP education
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Entregue a Educação SAP de sua empresa para quem mais entende de aprendizagem especializada SAP. Ka Solution - Centro de Treinamento com o maior número de consultores SAP treinados na América Latina. Prêmio SAP 4º maior do mundo (2018) e vencedora do Prêmio de Melhor Parceiro de Educação SAP (2021-2022-2023).