SAP S/4HANA - Sales (SD)
SAP Learning Hub Mentoring (100 horas)
Nesta mentoria o aluno aprende como implementar e personalizar recursos do SAP S/4HANA Sales (válida para SAP S/4HANA on-premise e SAP S/4HANA Cloud, edições extended e private). Prepara o aluno para o exame de certificação (C_TS462).

S46000 - Applying SAP S/4HANA Sales
Learning Journey (SAP Learning)
Course Content
SAP S/4HANA Sales Essentials
Getting Started in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Executing an Order-to-Cash Process in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Maintaining Master Data in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Using Presales Documents in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Utilizing Sales Analytics and Monitoring in SAP S/4HANA
The Concept of Available-to-Promise (ATP) in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Introducing the Concept of an Available-to-Promise (ATP) Check
Analyzing the Concept of an Available-to-Promise (ATP) Check
Explaining the Concept of Backorder Processing (BOP)
Course Goals
At the end of this learning journey, business users and application consultants are able to execute the basic sales process steps in SAP S/4HANA and identify the SAP S/4HANA system set-up requirements along the sales cycle
Furthermore business users and application consultants are able to execute an available-to-promise check in SAP S/4HANA Sales and interpret its results
S4605 - Sales Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022 FP00
ID do Curso S4605_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Introduction to the Sales Process in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Setting up the Enterprise Structures in Sales
Sales Order Processing – Special Features & Source of Data
Customizing of Sales Documents – Setting up of a Sales Document Type, Item Categories and Schedule Line Categories
Data Flow – Setting up the Copying Control in Sales
Special Business Processes
Incomplete Documents - Handling and Setting Up
Partner Functions in Sales
Outline Agreements – Scheduling Agreement & Contracts
Material Determination
Material Listing and Exclusion
Free Goods
Sales Workshop - Setting up entire Sales Scenarios
Course Goals
Gain a detailed knowledge of using the functions in sales
Know the different sales processes and its settings
Make the relevant customizing settings for sales documents
S4610 - Delivery Processing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS00
ID do Curso S4610_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Idea and Function of the Delivery Document
Basic Organizational Units for the Delivery Process
Controlling Deliveries
The Goods Issue Process based on the Delivery
Processes and Functions based on the Delivery with Embedded EWM
Course Goals
Describe the role of shipping and goods receipt in the supply chain
Perform the different functions in shipping and goods receipt processing
Configure the system to meet your requirements for shipping and goods receipt processing
S4615 - Billing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022 FP00
ID do Curso S4615_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Billing Documents in Sales and Distribution Processes
Setting Up Organizational Units
Controlling the Billing Process – Customizing of a Billing Type
Special Billing Types – Complaint Processing and Pro Forma Invoice
Creating Billing Documents in different ways
Analyzing Invoice Combination and Invoice Split
Types of Settlement (Invoice List, Billing Document Requests, Preliminary Billing)
Setting up of Billing Plans - Processing Down Payments and Installment Payment
Setting Up the Account Determination
Interface Between Sales and Financial Accounting
Course Goals
Use the functions and know the possibilities for billing in sales
Make relevant customizing settings for the billing process in sales
Set up the billing interface between sales and financial accounting
S4620 - Pricing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022
ID do Curso S4620_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Introducing Pricing and the Condition Technique
Pricing Configuration
Maintaining Condition Records in different ways
Special Pricing Functions like exclusion or group condition
Special Condition Types and Statistical Condition Types
Analyzing the Determination of Tax Condition Types
Introduction to Condition Contract Management (Sales Rebate)
Workshop: Troubleshooting Exercise
Course Goals
Set up functions for pricing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Make relevant customizing settings for pricing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
S4650 - Advanced Customizing in SAP S/4HANA Sales
Software: SAP S/4HANA 2022
ID do Curso S4650_EN_Col23 (E-learning)
Course Content
Organizational Structures
Copy Control
Text Control
Material Master Record Field Selection
Enhancements and Modifications
Course Goals
Explore settings to map requirements in the area of SAP S/4HANA Sales that require knowledge of cross-application customizing functions
Understand and consider complex relationships in mapping organizational structures
Configure and adapt special functions such as copy control and text control
Configure output control (NAST-based and BRFplus-based Output Management)
Understand system modification options
Sobre a Mentoria*
Modalidade Jornada de Aprendizagem VLC (Virtual Live Classroom) com instrutor-orientador ao vivo via Internet;
Release do software: SAP S/4HANA 2022 FP00 - SAP S/4HANA 2022 FPS00 - SAP S/4HANA 2022;
Carga Horária: 100 h/a;
Período: noturno 18h às 23h;
Duração: 20 noites em 04 semanas;
Investimento: sob consulta.
(*) Para participar da mentoria o aluno deve possuir a assinatura do SAP Learning Hub.
Importante: As mentorias SAP da Ka Solution são aplicadas com base na plataforma por assinatura anual SAP Learning Hub (inclui partner edition) e/ou na plataforma SAP Learning (free), que trazem jornadas de aprendizagem para que o aluno possa ser conduzido na evolução de conhecimentos, conceitos, práticas, atividades hands on e orientação para autoestudo.
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Entregue a Educação SAP de sua empresa para quem mais entende de aprendizagem especializada SAP. Ka Solution - Centro de Treinamento com o maior número de consultores SAP treinados na América Latina. Prêmio SAP 4º maior do mundo (2018) e vencedora do Prêmio de Melhor Parceiro de Educação SAP (2021-2022-2023).