SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
SAP Learning Hub & SAP Learning Mentoring (50 horas)
Nesta mentoria o aluno aprende como desenvolver o conhecimento e as habilidades necessárias para usar as funcionalidades de planejamento (planning) e desenvolvimento de histórias (story development) do SAP Analytics Cloud. Prepara o aluno para o exame de certificação (C_SAC).

SACE11 - SAP Analytics Cloud Foundation
Software: SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.08 (QRC)
ID do Curso SACE11_EN_Col39 (E-book)
Course Content
Getting Started with SAP Analytics Cloud
Establishing Data Sources and Connections
Using Modelling
Using Basic and Advanced Stories
Using Planning
Using Basic Augmented Analytics in SAC
Using Collaboration Features
Course Goals
This course provides a high-level introduction and overview of SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) capabilities as well as applications that interface with SAC
Through expert demonstrations and hands-on exercises or simulations, learners are exposed to: --> data connections, both basic and advanced stories --> data analyzer --> Microsoft Office integration --> modeling basics, planning basics, augmented analytics and collaboration
SACP21 - Leveraging SAP Analytics Cloud Functionality for Enterprise Planning
Software: SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0
Learning Journey (SAP Learning)
Course Content
Introducing SAP Analytics Cloud Planning
Planning in Stories
Configuring Data Actions
Allocating Planning Data
Translating Currencies for Planning
Forecasting and Simulating Planning Data
Coordinating and Controlling Processes
Course Goals
After completing this learning journey, business users, data analysts and consultants will be able to use SAP Analytics Cloud in order to achieve planning tasks to meet their business enterprise planning requirements
SACS21 - Designing Stories in SAP Analytics Cloud
Software: SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0
Learning Journey (SAP Learning)
Course Content
Getting Started with Stories
Building Stories
Configuring Story Elements
Manipulating Data in Stories
Presenting Stories
Course Goals
After completing this learning journey, data analysts, business users and consultants will be able to design and present stories in SAP Analytics Cloud and using the various features
You will also learn how to format, filter, calculate, explore, blend, and sort your data
SACM21 - SAP Analytics Cloud Modeling and Data Transformation
Software: SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.08 (QRC)
ID do Curso SACM21_EN_Col39 (E-book)
Course Content
Explaining the basics of data structures in SAP Analytics Cloud
Designing and creating dimensions
Creating import models
Creating live models
Working with geographic data
Defining data security
Course Goals
This course provides the learner with the knowledge needed to create SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) models
Topics include: --> modeling basics --> dimensions and measures --> import models and live models integrating with SAP Systems and datasets --> The live model integration systems include SAP BusinessObjects, SAP Business Warehouse, SAP HANA Cloud, and S/4HANA
Sobre a Mentoria*
Modalidade Jornada de Aprendizagem VLC (Virtual Live Classroom) com instrutor-orientador ao vivo via Internet;
Release do software: SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0 - SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.08 (QRC);
Carga Horária: 50 h/a;
Período: noturno 18h às 23h;
Duração: 10 noites em 02 semanas;
Investimento: sob consulta.
(*) Para participar da mentoria o aluno deve possuir a assinatura do SAP Learning Hub.
Importante: As mentorias SAP da Ka Solution são aplicadas com base na plataforma por assinatura anual SAP Learning Hub (inclui partner edition) e/ou na plataforma SAP Learning (free), que trazem jornadas de aprendizagem para que o aluno possa ser conduzido na evolução de conhecimentos, conceitos, práticas, atividades hands on e orientação para autoestudo.
participe da série workshops educação sap para transformação digital (dx)
conheça e/4hana learning assessment for SAP education
conheça a trilha de cursos conceituais para sap industry 4.0
sap learning hub mentoring & recruitment
Entregue a Educação SAP de sua empresa para quem mais entende de aprendizagem especializada SAP. Ka Solution - Centro de Treinamento com o maior número de consultores SAP treinados na América Latina. Prêmio SAP 4º maior do mundo (2018) e vencedora do Prêmio de Melhor Parceiro de Educação SAP (2021-2022-2023).